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14 Sep

Spotted: Angulate Tortoise

The genus name Chersina is derived from the Greek word “chersinos” meaning land tortoise. The angulate tortoise is the only species in the genus Chersina, and it is endemic to southern Africa. Locals refer to it as “Rooipens skilpad,” meaning “red-belly tortoise”

Robert Jooste
September 14, 2022
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22 Mar

Fantastic Caracal Sighting on Intaka Island

Intaka Island is Century City’s award-winning 16-hectare wetlands and conservation area. It is home to 177 species of indigenous fynbos plants and 120 bird species. However, what you don’t expect when birding, is seeing a caracal. This beautiful and shy cat has been spotted in a few places across the island over the last few months.

Robert Jooste
March 22, 2022